Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30, The European Union

There is an important and very confusing EU vote taking place on December 3. See link
But... What is the EU?

First Half of Class  - EU Background
Discussion - open up your notebooks and make a list before answering. Work with a partner.

  • Why do people work together?
  • What are some of the benefits of working together in groups?
  • What are some of the drawbacks of people working together?

Writing - Answer all of these questions as best as you can. Work with a partner.
1. What is the European Union? Write down anything and everything that you know about the EU. (member countries, history, leaders, problematic issues, benefits, threats, opportunities...)

2. What is the United States? Write down anything and everything that you know about the USA.
(member states, history, leaders, problematic issues, benefits, threats, opportunities...)

3. How/Why was the EU founded?

4. How/Why was the USA founded?

Review - EU Online - (we'll look at these sites together, but pull them up on your phone/ipad/laptop)

A Brief History of the EU (video)
EU Kids Corner
EU Teacher's Corner - Find out more about the EU
How do Europeans really feel about each other?
The European Union Explained

Create a Kahoot!- use one of the pages in the EU resources online to create a 10 question Kahoot for the class. Work in groups of 2. Click here to Sign-Up or Sign-In to Create a Kahoot!

Second Half of Class - Debate

  • The issues
  • The teams
  • Your roles

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving - November 25, 2015


Quick Write:
What is thankfulness? What are we thankful for?
Close your eyes, put your head down. Relax.
Sit and think for a minute. What are you thankful for?
Spend 2-5 minutes writing down your thoughts and explanation.

What do you know about Thanksgiving? Is there an equivalent here in Denmark or Scandinavia?

1. KAHOOT! - In groups of 2, make a Thanksgiving quiz using Kahoot. (you may need to create an account). The quiz should have 20 questions and each question must include a short sentence, question and answers.

2. Give your 2 person team a name.

3. Use only what you know or the following websites for background knowledge and

4. Make sure that you test the quiz before you are complete. We will take the quizzes during the second half of class.

First Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Traditions
Five other Thanksgiving holidays