Monday, October 19, 2015

October 2015: Science & Belief II


Image result for witch cauldron macbeth
"Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble."
   - William Shakespeare, from Macbeth (1606)  

What's with Witches? (Kahoot)

Witches (2 min)

Halloween's Origins (video) (3 min)

Halloween Word Search - Complete the printed word search.

Do You Believe In? (Kahoot)

Brain storm Mind Map Exercise - 

1. In YOUR CLASSROOM GROUP: Use "Text 2 Mind Map" website to create a mind map of the following topics:
Autumn/Fall & Halloween.
2. Two people in the group should be responsible for creating the mind map using the Text 2 Mind Map website.
3. Use Human Brain Cloud or for ideas, but you must create your own mind map on the Text 2 Mind Map with at least 30 words.

Group 1: Autumn/Fall Brainstorm/Mind map (Human Brain Cloud link/
Group 2: Halloween Brainstorm/Mind map (Human Brain Cloud link/

4. Share Mind Maps with other group - switch classrooms

5. Write a poem/rap about Fall/Autumn and Halloween using the words & ideas presented.

Fear article  (Reading)

Rewriting the Script - COMIC SCRIPT                                                       (30-40 minutes)
We are going to make a comic strip of your fear/worry script.
1. Brainstorm worries/fears. Create a written list or a mind map in your notebook. (2 min.)
2. Fold a piece of blank paper into 12 frames. (the Hagar comic strip above has 8)
3. Imagine how your fears/worries fit into a comic strip. Outline the story in your notebook.
4. Create a comic strip of your fears, using the outline.

CREATE A KAHOOT about the things we learned about/did this evening!